Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Generation Gap?

Yes, that much used phrase to shake your head when you just can't tune in to the thought frequency of the person trying to make you understand his or her viewpoint!

Recently a group of students and me were trying to figure out how to revive a forgotten dead dinosaur of my college department magazine given free of charge to students.

We hardly had a week to get it churned out and we were at level zero with no contributions of articles for the magazine, students busy with exams and other academic work and the biggest hurdle--no money to get the magazine printed on paper!

I was taken aback by the energy level of my students in whose sphere of thought optimism reigns high and things happen in a jiffy!

From my perspective the whole stuff was studded with hurdles and I could sense them chuckling at my extreme pessimism!

That's when it started sinking in that the decade's gap between the times they and me were born on this planet earth is the classic example of this thought frequency mis-match called 'Generation Gap'. It seemed just yesterday that I was cribbing to my friends over a packet of popcorn at a movie theatre about me unable to comprehend my parent's notions on some aspects!

Now I seem to be part of "that strange generation"!?
This set me wondering, is the older generation really weird? If so, what makes them weird? If not, why this age old concept of Generation Gap?

My answer came in the end-result of the above said magazine. The students were right. They could get the ball rolling and managed to get the contributions from their classmates, juniors and seniors. Their productivity levels were so high that by spending just a few hours at the computer they could get all the stuff on-line.

But, I was right too. My "experience" told me that solving the financial puzzle was the biggest hurdle. So we couldn’t get the stuff printed on paper as planned.

I got the answer to my puzzle!

Generation gap is inevitable due the experience gained by the older generation because of the larger number of years spend interacting with different forms of the human species.

Probably, we appear "weird" when we stick to our "Iam older, therefore wiser, and always right" stance.

I feel its up to us to widen or shorten the "gap" between generations. We could share our experiences with generation-next, so they are not caught unawares, but what is stopping us from accepting that they are much quicker, much more tech-savvy, have much higher levels of concentration that we can ever hope to have/sustain?

Yes, Let our body age, let our mind stay young!


Blogger Anusree said...

Mam we did manage to get something done despite the way the semester was going. To be able to achieve anything 'out of the box' in our college we need an overabundance of optimism irrespective of what generation we belong to.There are always a 100 others more out there to offer discouragement. So I guess you were being the wise one, but we were just saying, 'why not?'

Monday, June 19, 2006  
Blogger Anusree said...

Oh and my nutty blog is
It's currently run out of updates due to the 'war against VTU'.

Monday, June 19, 2006  

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